Louisville Slugger Blue Flame Ultimate Portable Pitching Machine
02282Uses baseballs, softballs, and safety balls of all sizes and covers. Pitch any ball, from a ping-pong ball to a soccer ball. Throws accurate strikes consistently at the set speed. No need to buy special balls. Wont rip or tear leather or synthetic ball covers. Can be set to throw fly balls, line drives, and grounders. Helps hitters overcome fear of the ball and work on specific locations. Helps sharpen hitters muscle memory. Lightweight and portable.
*No electricity required.
*Requires virtually no maintenance.
*Easily adjustable speed and location.
*Designed for all ages and skill levels.
*Throws at Speeds From 19 to 45 MPH.
*Baseball pitch up to 45 mph.
*Softball fast pitch up to 42 mph.
*Softball slow pitch with a 12' arch.