MasterPro Ball Baskets
CEMP50/72/100We took the best baskets in the industry and made them even better! Absolutely
the best 50-ball, 72-ball, 85-ball and 100-Ball Baskets in the tennis industry!Check out these truly exceptional features
- "Extra thick" floating arm for effortless pick-up uses heaviest gauge in the industry to maximize durability.
- Arms will not bend!
- Double-door style lid so the lid can be open when picking up balls.
- Chain to hook the legs together in standing position for added stability.
- Lid conveniently folds down during ball pick-up, and locks balls in basket for travel and storage.
- Floating arms in our baskets are 7mm thick. Most durable in the tennis industry!
- Available in 50-ball,72-ball, 85-ball classic and 100-ball models.
- Except the 85-ball basket, all models include lids.